Daxing Airport was officially opened

2019-09-30 post in Media coverage

On September 25, Beijing Daxing International Airport, known as the top of “New Seven Wonders of the World”, was officially opened. As one of the largest airports built within 20 years, Daxing Airport currently has four runways, 700,000 square meter terminal and 92 contact stands. Daxing Airport is expected to meet the demand of 100 million passengers per year. For such a large scale of passenger flow, many core systems, including dispatching system, need to run well or even perfectly. Therefore, how to ensure the continuous operation of related business is very important. In order to solve this problem, Daxing Airport has introduced disaster recovery high availability products of Information2, i2Availability and i2CS. i2Availability as an application-level high availability protection software, can provide business protection for the core system, and realize […]

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